Friday, May 23, 2008

NICE weather!

I hope every one is having as much fun with this wild and crazy weather in May as we are! No seriously, it's 1:20pm and its 57 degrees outside. NICE!!


Rushele said...

I haven't been outside yet because the baby had a super long am nap, but I LOVE rainy weather!! And who could ask for a better temp in May?!!!

Maranda Whittle said...

Those are some pretty clouds! I LOVE black clouds, they are the best!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great! Im just loving it!! Wish it would last forever!

Chad~Nicole said...

Canon has that same dump truck. We enjoyed the cooler weather too. If only it would last through August. :)

Kim said...

Rain is my favorite! I hope we have a good monsoon season this year!

Coree Adams said...


The Skousen's said...

Ok, i just realized it's been a while since I have posted anything. SO SORRY! I will be more consistent from now on. You know, that things have been crazy though. And Yes! The weather was crazy back in MAY!!!